
As well as distinguishing a riot from learning of a learning difficulty, a time that the first one is on the factors of organic order e, second more it is based to the problems cultural and emotional partners. They are of that order will be the originated problems of this area, the child when entering the school will bring all its history, which will influence positively or negative in its process of learning, depending on as the process will be lead. As for example, the lack of limit, the extroverso or the introversion, difficulties of social relationship. According to Drouet (2006, P. 207), first infancy and adolescence is critical phases of the human development, that demand well-taken care of greater and attention. In this direction, a familiar education badly guided will be able to also influence in the learning of the citizen; knowing itself that it has a great linking between the pertaining to school education and the familiar one, a time that is basic elements for the formation of the citizen, strengthening the importance of the harmony between family and school. Currently it is perceived that the schools more are worried in giving account of the content of the curricular grating, not opening space to observe the possible causes for which the pupils are not learning, its disinterest ahead of the academic learning and even though what he leads to the pertaining to school evasion.

Such task diverge of what Freire said (1996, P. 47), that ' ' to know to teach is not to transfer knowledge, but to create possibilities for its proper production or its construction. The importance of a significant learning In accordance with Rogers (1971, p.103) exists one significant difference between teaching and educating. Knowing itself that these two sources are party to suit of learning of the individual, a time that teaching limits it a language technique to instruct, to reproduce the knowledge, whereas educating it goes beyond this idea, making possible to the subject freedom to create and to recriar, to think and to produce insights that they stimulate its cognitivo potential, providing more satisfaction in learning, in a perspective of a not directive education.

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