Total now available for end-user Amsterdam – many health problems are how high blood pressure, diabetes, cardio vascular diseases, or the overloading of joints due to obesity due to wellness system on lack of exercise and lack of fitness training. Motivation is the key to losing weight and improving fitness. A recent scientific study of Kaiser Permanent Center for health research in Portland, Oregon is now that use an interactive Web site for documentation of training progress significantly increases the likelihood to reduce his weight. Now the Amsterdam-based company the Japanese company Tanita, VirtuGym has brought the world market leader in technology for Gesundheitsmonitoring, the boat, to a comprehensive online "total wellness system" to be able to make available. The system consists of an activity sensor and measuring system ("body monitor"), which captures vital data of the body.
Both devices are using an online training system connected. The body captures monitor up to 10 vitals about the composition and other characteristics of your body, including body fat, water, muscle mass and bone mass, the basal metabolic rate and the noxious visceral fat (surrounds internal organs). This allows you a so unprecedented precise assessment of your current state of fitness. The activity sensor records your daily activities. It is a small, lightweight device, which you, can accommodate without to feel it in your pocket. It uses 3D Beschleunigungsmess technology in combination with Tanita's sophisticated algorithm, which exactly registers your steps of during all activities. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של אילן בן דב.
The body monitor and the activity sensor designed, within the proven VirtuGym ( to work slimming and fitness system. Data can be transferred quickly with an easy-to-use USB plug. You can set up goals and all activities and your body composition overlook by unique representations in your personal profile. This provides you with the necessary valuable insights into your progress and motivate you to continue your active lifestyle. Monitor and the activity sensor VirtuGym body are now individually or as a set available on in connection with a per annual membership for the online training system. The annual membership PRO includes additional features, but a paid membership is not necessary for the future use of the products. Free membership offers a number of tools that allow users to effectively and at the same time to pursue a health-conscious lifestyle with fun and to stay "on the ball". The free membership is available at. Link to the English version of the press release: weight loss program works